SEO has been a challenge for many a marketer seeking to establish a presence on the internet. When done correctly, SEO can be your gateway to unlimited success online.

On the downside, however, when you take on SEO with too casual an approach and do not seek to understand all that it entails and how to use it for your advantage, then chaos is bound to occur.

In this article, we shall be looking at SEO, its relevance to our marketing success, and how to get the most out of it by understanding as much as we can about it.



To get things off to a great start Let’s answer the question as to what SEO is all about and of course how does it work? Watch this useful and informative video which will set the stage for this article.


What Is SEO & How Does It Work? 



Why Use SEO At All?


This is not going to be an easy topic for me to break down in a way that may do absolute justice to those of you reading, but you can be sure that I’m always one step ahead.

I’ll be sharing various articles on the subject as well as video content that will help to make the subject of SEO that much more palatable and easy to digest.

I think this article I discovered on is a great launch for the topic of SEO and gives plenty of insightful information. Check it out.




So let me take a shot at breaking down the SEO bubble and making some sense of it for you in simple layman’s terms. As an online business owner, your goal is to be discovered.

This is why you’d want to use SEO as it helps Google to discover your website. Once that happens the next best thing is that you are discovered on the world wide web.

Not only do you want to be discovered, but you also want to be discovered specifically for the goods and services you market in order to make sales and revenue.

To do this you have to anticipate the types of searches your audience will be looking for on the internet and through carefully selected keywords, ensure that your site comes up in the results when searches are carried out.

So here’s an example. Let’s say that my website is known for all things relating to affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is one of the keywords that my site would want to be ranked for.

So when anyone does a search related to affiliate marketing, and I am optimized for that keyword, then my site should pop up or appear in the search results.

The idea then is that traffic would then flock to my website to learn more about what is being said about affiliate marketing and if they resonate with what they discover on my site, it could lead potentially to sales.

While this might have been perhaps the easiest explanation of SEO, it is actually a rather complex undertaking to get it understood in a way that makes one an expert.

There are many moving parts when it comes to SEO and an understanding of it. If you were to take a visit over to one of my other websites, you would be exposed to a number of SEO tools.

These tools all work together towards one common result. Your discovery on the Internet.


How Does SEO Determine Your Business Will Be Successful?


This is the importance of SEO for your business: SEO gives you the power to be the answer to potential customers’ questions. In addition to visibility and traffic increase, SEO contributes to your authoritative voice in your field. Authority then leads to brand trust, which ultimately leads to brand loyalty..


You can read the full article from which that snippet was taken here.

So the better your SEO is for your website and brand, the better your chances of being discovered organically on the internet, and thus more people learn about what you have to offer.

Ideally, there are many agencies online that cater to SEO learning, training, and practices to help you in your marketing efforts, and one of those agencies which also comes highly recommended is

This site also uses a tool called Ubersuggest which is really outstanding when it comes to SEO and making the most of it.

So there are many useful SEO practices and when utilized properly, your business benefits immensely from them.


The Best SEO Plugin You Can Own


When it comes down to it, using SEO to gain any and every advantage in your marketing efforts is understandable. While it may not be the easiest of crafts to master, there are some tools that can help you along.

One of those tools is a plugin by a company called RankMath. Before RankMath came on the scene everyone was using and talking about another plugin called Yoast.

But RankMath is likened to being like the Swiss army knife of SEO. I use RankMath and it is a breeze


seo plugin called rankmath


Using SEO In Your Marketing Efforts


By now you should have gotten used to the idea of just how important SEO is to your marketing efforts and learn how best to use it in your marketing efforts.

Yoast SEO was one thing we learned before and then came RankMath which continues to dominate the industry with its cutting-edge features.

I want to turn you onto one more tool which I think is a very solid tool and is used by some very important marketers today.

In fact, this tool will not only teach you more about SEO but also come with a course that I’m sure you’ll find most beneficial.

One of the key points I like about Arefs is their definition of search engine optimization.

Knowing what SEO means and actually putting it into practice however are two very different things, but Ahrefs will help you to connect the dots.

In this video, you’ll be introduced to Ahrefs and all that this amazing tool can do for you. Pay very close attention.



In addition to all these wonderful SEO tools, I would also welcome you to visit my site where I also would encourage you to make use of my FREE range of tools as well. Check them out here.

Gaining organic traffic through the use of search engine optimization and other related strategies as well as being on top of the SERP results, that is  ( Search Engine Results Page ) is a great education to have.

In fact, just about everything, you might have learned here today in this article is of paramount importance.

When it comes to my digital business, I spare no expense when it comes to learning how to be the best in my chosen field. I want the same for you as well.

In closing, I am going to leave you with one more video. You might hate me for this and I am not known for keeping secrets so I’ll let you in right away.


two guys talking about SEO strategies


To conclude this blog post I am going to leave you with the most comprehensive search engine optimization course I could find and I love how easy the concept and learning curve is when it comes to this video.

Now I said that because of this video you might hate me. Why? Well, the video is meant to be consumed in chunks worthy of your time and desirability.

The video is approximately just over (8) eight hours in length. But before you hightail it and run to the hills, it is a potential powerhouse of value. Just take a peek at the video description and the time-stamped contents.




Now while there are still quite a few things we may not have gotten to touch on that are search engine related, I think you would have gotten enough from this one blog post to last you quite some time.

I would even hazard a guess that after digesting the information here that you could be a self-proclaimed search engine optimization expert and I kid you not.

Anyways here is the video. It is well worth every bit of its 506 minutes. You’ll thank me later.



aziz issa iceberg effect


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