Contact Us
We’d love to hear from you and welcome you to use this forum to contact us. Let us know how we are doing and how we can better assist you in your online marketing journey.
Just fill in the form over to the right and we’ll be sure to get back to you.
(587) 208-6318

Future Plans
You will notice in this next section that we have some features that are being designed with you in mind. These features are in tune with our mission to educate you as is best as possible to achieve your goals. Those features shown are Courses, Training Portal, and Offers. Offers are ongoing, but to become a recipient of any offers we share, then it is advised that you join our mailing list. In this way, you’ll always be in the loop and not miss any of the value being shared.


Training Portal

General Questions
What would you like to know today?
Since many persons who visit the site generally have so many question, we decided to put some of the more general ones here for your perusal and assistance.
Does this site have a membership area attached?
That’s a very good question as we do conduct training but this is in the form of video. We will have a membership area soon but that will be a separate and distinct website.
Can people really benefit and succeed from what you teach here?
I would have to say “YES” as not only is the information very detailed, easy to understand, and implement, we also connect you to ongoing training and coaching in our flagship program.
What Can I Expect Once Taking Part In What You Offer Here?
By deciding to join us and this you do by subscription to our website here, you are then exposed to the real truth behind online marketing and becoming successful in building and maintaining an online business.
How Long Does This Onboarding Process Take?
We don’t usually set times to these things as it is entirely up to the individual and how quickly they are determined to succeed. But it will also depend on where you are at in your online journey as in your educational and skill level. Some may be outright beginners and some may have some knowledge under their belt but find themselves stuck or at crossroads not being sure if to go left or right. We help you in making that choice based on what you say you hope to achieve.
Is There Then A Specialized Program For The Level Of Education You Bring To The Table?
Most of the education you will receive here will come through the blog articles we share onsite. We also utilize other training portals such as YouTube videos, specific courses though not always free, and yes there is a specialized program we can get you into but we would have to qualify you for that. Actually, it is a game-changer but it is not for everyone. If you desire more details on this particular offer just fill out the message form on this page and in the message body just say “I want to learn more about GAME-CHANGER.”
Can You Guarantee That Students Will Be Successful?
The answer to that question lies directly within you the one who is seeking to become the best version of themselves.
It begins with the type of mindset you possess and your ability to be coachable and follow proven and reliable strategies even when you think you know better.
You do have a say, but at the end of it all, if you were already successful or experiencing success, then frankly, you wouldn’t be here now reading this.
So let us do what we do and you do your part. The key to success truthfully is to focus on and master one specific area first before moving on to another.
Most people want the whole nine yards right at the beginning and all at once. That will never work. I hope this answers all if not most of your concerns.
Thank You.
Let’s Learn Together!
Whatever your goals, we are in this together. As you learn, I learn as well as sometimes new perspectives are born and we can then further brainstorm to unravel new strategies that can propel one forward to his or her objectives. Let’s succeed together.